Karma-emotion work

Karma-Emotion Work

A negative emotional reaction can be very damaging on many levels. The low-vibrational-frequency emotional energy that is produced during a fit of rage for example, will circulate around our energy body and due to its thick, viscous nature, it will get stuck and cause blockages. This emotional energy can also very easily be transferred to others through energetic connections between people called chakra cords. If it is transferred to others in this way, the emotional energy will connect with their chakras and cause a similar emotion. As you can see, this would inflate the argument further and many arguments and conflicts are perpetuated in exactly this manner, by a mutual transfer of negative emotional energy.

Quite often, we are caught in a situation where we are feeling a large negative emotional reaction and we cannot get rid of it. Our thoughts go around and around and keep producing more and more emotion, which produces more and more thoughts. This can be a very difficult cycle to break and can involve any sort of negative emotions such as sadness, anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, guilt and grief, to name only a few. This also applies to other seemingly less harmful emotions such as boredom, frustration and irritation which are quite often regarded as an unavoidable part of life.

It is important, when dealing with negative emotion, to be aware of the concept of repression. If we repress an emotion we keep the energy of the emotion in, and this is how blockages occur. This will come back and bite us sometime in the future. How do we know if we are repressing an emotion? If we run away from the feeling in some way or try to distract our self by finding a task to do, and do not let our self feel the emotion, it is likely we are repressing it. This will never work; this just bottles the emotion up and it has nowhere to go but to re-surface at some point. So, how do we allow ourselves to feel the emotion, but at the same time, cut the emotional cycle in half so that the emotion stops causing us pain? At first glance, this may seem like a contradiction in terms. However, there is a method to do exactly this.

This very simple meditation should be used as soon as the emotion is felt. It works by cutting the emotional cycle in half by stopping the thought processes of the mind. If we stop the negative repetitive thought patterns, the mind will stop producing the emotional energy that is perpetuating the cycle. At the same time as stopping the thought process, the meditation focuses on the experience of the emotion and, therefore, it allows the emotional energy to escape.

As soon as we feel the wave of emotion come over us, we must go straight to the emotion with our focus of attention and give the emotion all of our attention. We do this by finding the exact location of the emotion in the body. Our emotions are always felt in approximately the same places in the body. These places can be different for different types of emotion but will always be located on the front side of the body, including possible areas such as the face, neck, heart, solar plexus and naval area. It is no coincidence that these are the locations of the openings of some of the major chakras. If we take anxiety, for example, which is a form of fear, anxiety will usually be felt either in the heart area or the naval area. Anger, on the other hand, is quite often felt in the face area. We search for the location of the emotion in the body and, when we find it, we put all of our focus there. To help us keep the attention there, we try to analyse the feeling. What does it feel like? Is it felt deep inside, or on the surface of the skin? Does it feel sharp or dull? Is it hot or cold? We do not let our attention wander anywhere else but the location of our emotion in the body. Very soon, we may find that the emotion dissipates, and we start to feel better.

What is happening during this process? As we give the emotion all of our attention, we are feeling the emotion very deeply and truly allowing ourselves to feel it. This is allowing the emotional energy to dissipate at a maximum rate (without repressing it) while, at the same time, we have stopped the repetitive thought patterns in the mind. This has cut the emotional cycle in half, or we could say that we have stopped perpetuating the cycle, and as a result, it vanishes. It is akin to a tornado that is tearing a path through a helpless village and then suddenly out of nowhere, it disappears.

When we first try this meditation, we may find it quite difficult as the emotional cycle is very powerful. In fact, it may take some time to even become aware, at the time, that we are lost in an emotional reaction. This is very common with anger for example. This is nothing to worry about and quite normal. It is very important to persevere with the meditation, as the benefits will be found in the long-term. Eventually, this meditation becomes a habit in itself and the ultimate goal is for it to become completely automatic. This is purely a matter of practice and when this happens, any type of emotional reaction becomes an alarm bell. The alarm bell shouts, ‘wake up!’, ‘become aware!’, ‘I am having an emotional reaction!’, ‘time to meditate!’.

Please also note that this meditation is a subject-object meditation, which means that by focusing our attention, we are creating a subject (you), and an object (emotion) split. In doing so, it is possible to start to distance ourselves from the pain of the emotion. If we understand that the emotion is purely a sensation in the body, which is being perpetuated by the thought processes of the mind, the pain and suffering of the emotion starts to lose its power over us. We begin to realise that it is only the mind that wants to get away from the sensation of the emotion. It is the mind that resists the emotion and once we shut off the mind, we stop resisting and accept the emotion for what it is, nothing more than a sensation in the body.

The next step of the journey, in karma-emotion work, is to learn how karma fits in to the emotional cycle. When we take a closer look at this cycle, we can easily see that the cycle is perpetuated through un-controlled thought patterns. However, what is much more difficult to see at first is that the whole cycle does have an actual fuel source. The fuel source to the emotional cycle is karma energy. Karma is a special type of subtle bio-energy that has evolved over millions of years to function as a memory-transport system for emotions. It is an emotional memory carrier and we burn it during an emotional reaction.

The production and the burning of karma is described in the Karma-Emotion Engine Cycle. Understanding how this cycle works is the key to unlocking 100% of our positive health and wellbeing, and the key to all of our future experiences. We go into further details of this cycle in our AYA Education system. Please contact us for more details.

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