Virtual Healing Centre

We all find ourselves in the midst of a national crisis in health. It is clear that our general approach to health and well-being needs to change radically if our health care systems are to survive and to remain as publicly funded organisations that ensure a free service to all.

There is a growing trend in finding new, natural solutions in preventative health care to ease the burden on our hospitals and many of these solutions are being carried out in a virtual manner, helping people progress through their own personal healing journey while being in the comfort of their own homes.

Our Virtual Healing Centre combines the output of many different Āyā departments in a convenient platform which can be accessed by anyone at any time, in any location. 

We aim to provide a free personalised and custom service for individuals while at the same time allowing for mass scalability by producing educational media content for downloading or streaming which will ensure that there is something for everyone, no matter at what stage of their own personal self-healing journey they find themselves.


Play the guided vision meditation from our recent Cornwall Council workshop.

Play Meditation

Our VHC is in the process of development


Play the guided vision meditation from our recent Cornwall Council workshop.

Play Meditation

The Lake of Healing Energy.

Play Meditation

Infinite-Self Meditation.

Play Meditation


Play the guided vision meditation from our recent Cornwall Council workshop.

Play Meditation

Our VHC is in the process of being developed

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